First of all, Jorge Cuadros & Associates wants to thank all your confidence, and for being a great support and for helping us to be number one and to meet our goal to be number one in excellent service. With great pride, we're very satisfied to be the only ones who provide an on-line 24/7 service, which grealy helps you to monitor your account, and provides a flawless statement showing current credits, charges and your current balance on line 24/7. Our family organization has made a continued great effort to design and spend many hours to make this service the best of its kind. This information will help you understand how our system works and will help you maintain an uninterrupted service. We feel confident that our service will help you keep all utility bills currently paid, and it's easy to set up - All for one nominal annual fee plus an initial deposit, depending on what bills are to be paid. We'll help you figure what's the minimum balance amount to maintain, so that bills can be easily maintain current.

1.- We always suggest you try to maintain an adequate balance in your account at all times; this will avoid service disruption. Our automatic system will email you when the account balance is lower than our minimum required every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

2.-The system notices all overdrawn accounts and will email you a personal message asking you to mail funds ASAP. At that time, we've posted the next bill amount to pay in your account, identified as "Bills Outstanding to Pay". This means the bill will remain outstanding until funds arrive, allowing you few more days before your service is disrupted.

3.- Also automatically, we'll send you an email confirmation when you order propane, by either using our web - page format or by calling us. We confirm delivery with an email, when we post invoice amount in your account.

4.- When your account does not have enough funds to pay your next due bill, we've chosen this payment order: Electric, Telephone and Water.

5.- In case of any emergency and need to remit funds, we offer the safest way, using PayPal. For proper credit, you must always use our recepient email: PLEASE NOTE: Under NO circumstances, send pesos through PayPal, our system just not configured for this type of transaction.  

6.- Any HOA fees are also among the payments we offer to pay for you.

7.- I'm also pleased to disclose every payment made, to help you know how often they come due. The dates vary, depending on where you live:

a) *Electric is due every two months.

b) Telephone is due every month. Telnor is now offering a reduced package at $ 362.00 pesos that includes Internet, 100 long distance calls (within Mexico) and 100 local calls. To get this package, you must call a toll free number 01-800-025-2525, choose your language and talk to someone to help you modify your original package.

c) Water is due every month, but since CESPT offers you a discount for prompt payment, we use your money to deposit it at CESPT and monitor bills every month to avoid disruption.

d) Propane is due every time the stationary tank drops to a 30% minimum capacity. Usually, the clients monitor the gauge and call us to send the truck for re-fill. Just make sure that every time you order propane, the gates are open or key available, so truck delivery drivers don't get upset or have to make a needle less second visit!!

e) Bank fee. This is usually due every year. Once we have you in our individual profile, our automatic system will send you ONLY ONE LETTER, advising you of the amount and due date. Sometimes, we cannot avoid the bank mailing you an extra reminder, as it's entirely out of our control.

f) Property taxes. This is due every year, and again, the due date is every year in the month of January.

g) Maid/Gardner. This is usually arranged on an individual basis, to allow the maid or the gardener could come to our office to receive whatever amount is agreed.

h) Sky, Cable and HOA fees. These are very special bills that will have to be re-considered and handled "quarterly", as most often, service providers do not send you or us an early reminder of payment.

i) We deal directly with cities (Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada) to assure utility bills payment, and never use intermediaries.

j) Please note the "Federal Zone" is due every two months. For those whose homes boundary with the Federal Zone, we urge you to monitor payments when they're being made, as this payment sometimes, is "ignored" and once in a while, Cities of Tijuana or Ensenada, bring a notice to your home, and make an official request (mostly after many months) with added penalties and big fines that make this bill practically unpayable. Keeping this bill current will help you keep peace of mind.

8.- Do you want to Minimize "Capital Gains" at the time of a sale? Simply keep ALL your utility bills under the name of current owners. If you're a recent owner, and these bills are not yet due, for a minimal fee, we can assist, making sure all bills are filed correctly. It's also essential showing a "PERMANENT VISA" to obtain such benefit.

9.- We've finished making lots of changes in our system, and feel very confident they'll help you monitor your account more quickly. Simply using the "," system will take you directly to type your three on-line steps: email, password and security number. Also a late added great tool lets you choose to see either the "whole page with all transactions" or to "choose only to see what we have paid from your last remittance." You have also the capability to see the complete last year's transactions. If you failed to remember your three step login, now, you have now the capability to receive automatically an email, disclosing you that confidential information. SPECIAL NOTE: Our customers may now confirm your own account profile and will be able to edit that information. Please take the time to see if what we have is correct. To edit profile, please click "my account" while you are looking at your statement site.

11.- We do pick up and mail all from the U.S. every day, but sometimes, for unknown reasons, that letter that should have been here or there is not delivered yet. There's absolutely nothing that we can do to correct this problem.

12.- Our map to find our Rosarito office got better than ever! Please take the time, click on "contact us" and click "need directions?" You'll like it!

13.- Good News!! As of May 1st 2010, the immigration office made a few drastic changes that are affecting the whole procedure. 1) They are now in effect, and now requires you to be current to know the fine print available now if you click in my web-page (Immigration FM2 or FM3. In addition, instead of the old official book you used to carry, now, they will issue a new (credit card size) ID, substituting the old official format (book.) We always highly suggest to try to make an appointment for better and prompt service. NOTE: The new law eliminated the terms FM2 and FM3 and both becomes a). "PERMANENT RESIDENT" OLD INMIGRADOS b). " TEMPORARY RESIDENT."

14.- *HOW to lower your Electric bill: There;s a serious problem for those who, all of a sudden, feel their electric bill went terribly sky-high, especially for those whose house/condo was not used for a long period of time, and, all of a sudden, was either used or rented, and triggered a sudden higher usage. The electric company, after SIX months, will "JUMP YOU" automatically to a higher bracket. Are you seriously interested in bringing this bill down? Simply, cut-down the usage for the same six months period, and a lower rate will come back "automatically."

15. Every time you ask us for a referred service provider, we'll choose some one who does good work and guaranties. Further more, our office will NEVER accept kick backs from any service provider.

Remember, it will be always be up to you to tell us which bill(s) to pay, as we never assume any bill payments. We also have a continued policy NOT to charge anything, unless this has been brought to our attention either verbally or in writing. We also suggest calling us or writing us to tell us to whom we can provide confidential information, or to whom we can surrender the original bills. Otherwise, this will be denied for your protection and security. We have a continued policy NOT to mail or email or make copies of your utility bills. ALL bills are available at any time. At the beginning of every year, we usually ask every customer, to stop by and help us make room in all our files. This seem NOT to work, and will make a drastic decision to destroy them, unless you make an special request to take them.

Besides providing the above unique service, we also provide additional professional services like; House and Automobile Mexican Insurance coverage with affordable premiums, all new Mx. VISA assistance, plus my office provides reliable service for "Any type of legal or bank trust assistance".

My son Jorge Jr. offers. House - Maintenance, Add - on, New or Remodeling Construction, Painting, etc. Finally, for those who could use a computer technician, my nephew Nacho who can be reach at " or tel. (661) 612-0243 or a cel # (661) 107-3815 where he could assist you in the comfort of your home.  

BIGGER SAVING: Do you want to save an additional 6% off of your regular 26% discount when you're buying medicine in Baja, simply go to any "GUSHER DRUG STORE" at Rosarito or Tijuana, show a photo ID plus a miniature photo, and Gusher Drug-Store will issue an ID card that will entitle you to a FULL GUAPPING 32% discount on any of your purchase. It's that simple!

Cuadros & Associates is proud to announce to all or clients, the release of Jorge Cuadros Mobile APP, it's free and is a great tool. This is now available at the Google Play Store.