Please be aware of the following information to avoid being penalized for not following the General Conditions of your policy in case of any loss, and failing to report claims to our office or to our Adjuster. Please do it as soon as you are aware of any incident. To avoid having your claim rejected, I'm pleased to disclose what to do in case of any loss: Things are handled differently here than in the U.S. Please help us to help you!


1. BURGLARY: (Breaking and Entering), this loss has a 20% deductible with a minimum of $ 400 less depreciation depending on how many years of depreciation. *Any burglary occurrence must leave visible signs of entry at the place through which they entered, from the outside through to the inside. This incident must be reported to the local D. A. and you need to "obtain a certified copy". OF IMPORTANCE: If the insured home/Condo has a working security system, the deductible is waived in case of loss.


2.MAKE YOUR LOSS OFFICIAL: It's best that you call us and let us help you make your loss official, by addressing your loss in writing to our insurance company, disclosing all your stolen articles, when and where they were purchased, make, type, serial number and how much you paid. If these are relatively new, the Adjuster will require proof of your stolen article with a validated invoice. For an article more than two years old and without an invoice, the Adjuster will also require to ask a neighbor to acknowledge by signing a letter saying the stolen items were in your home.


3.BROKEN WINDOWS OR BROKEN DOORS: DO NOT call your neighbor, or ask a window company to re-install the broken window without having the express consent from our Adjuster or from our office. It's imperative that you take the proper precautions. To help you solve the immediate need to close either a window or a door, the Adjuster will take pictures and validate a burglary occurrence. We want to be as much help as possible and want to avoid having some one else break into your home again.


4.YOU MUST REPORT YOUR LOSS TO THE LOCAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Depending on the area where your home is located, a report must be made in writing, which we can help you file, so the D.A. can verify all the articles you lost. The insurance company also requires having a "Certified Copy" of that report to go along with the official claim documents.


5.ELECTRONIC ITEMS: Any electronic items valued more then $ 1000 Dls. must be scheduled in your policy, providing the make, serial number, type and value. Be careful and report to us, when you bring your individual lop-top, or any special electronic item, valued more than $1000 Dls...



a). TIJUANA: Corner of Boulevard Sanchez Taboada and Calle Rio Tijuana. Tel. (664) 104 - 2800

b). ROSARITO: Boulevard Popotla (near Castillos del Mar). Km. 28.5 Tel. (661) 613 - 1805 or 613 - 1897

c). ENSENADA: Sorry, but this is too far away and you MUST go to the town of Sarco located about 16.2 miles east (road to TKT) and follow the signs to get to the office: Boulevard Francisco Sarco # 14 Delegacion Francisco Sarco. Tel. 01 - (646) 155 - 2404 or f/t 155 - 2601

d). All are open 24 hrs.


1. - FIRE OR SMOKE LOSS: First, it's necessary to report your fire loss to the insurance company in writing, then to the "Fire Department" (Obtain an official report) of how the fire occurred. This is filed at the city where your house is located. If this is a minor fire or smoke damage, then things are handled much more easily without such a report. The loss must be filed in writing, addressed to the insurance company, describing the extent of the damage considering all the articles that were lost or damaged due to that fire, describing when they were acquired, their age. Also, if any part of the building was damaged, you must also make the same description, estimated written cost to repair, etc.


2. - WATER PIPE BREAKAGE: Please have in mind that this is an important issue to report to an Adjuster or us the minute you are aware of this fact. This of course, helps us to get some one to clean your house, and avoid having more damage due to a lack of action. Any broken pipe damage does carry a $ 200 Dls. deductible and will be up to you to have those damages repaired, as normally the company will reimburse the repair cost, less deductible. If you fail to report and you let the damage get more extensive because of lack of action from your part, the Adjuster might make a deduction in your compensation.


SPECIAL NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE THEIR WATER HEATER INSIDE THEIR HOME OR CONDOMINIUM UNIT - A POUND OF PREVENTION: Those who have a condominium and are in the upper floors, or simply a home with two or more floors, it's highly recommended to all those whose water heater is inside your Condo/Home that you periodically CHECK your water heater and water system pipes. DO NOT let them get so "corroded", as this might be a great cause of serious water damage. Excessive corrosion could cause the heater to explode and cause great water damage to your Condo/Home and to those units below. Also, please check ALL your water pipe system and avoid having an excessive corrosion that could cause severe damages. If this corrosion is or was the cause of water damage, and you did not prevent high amounts of corrosion, there might be a justified cause for excluding your loss damage and the damage you cause to others.


3. - REMEMBER, our office is here to help you resolve any loss or to make your home safer in case any window or entry door that needs to be repaired in case of any burglary and to avoid any additional unexpected intrusion. Our office is always ready to help you address your loss in writing, which is versed in the General Conditions of your policy, to make your loss official and to help you obtain a final fair compensation.